"The whole Sum of the Regimen and Governing of Man's Self"
The following 8 rules to goven Health are a brief and concise list of suggestions for maintaining health from the Secrets of Alexis. These can be seen as an abbreviated version of the Regimen of Health, proposed by Physicians from the School of Salerno in Italy.
1. It is necessary that you be kept neat and clean and all things in your house, flying diligently and as much as you can, all Evil air. 2. Avoid all excess and superfluity, especially in Drinking and Eating, and from Women [sex]. 3. Also from Travel, and from excess in Sleeping and Watching [Waking]. 4. Beware of Moist meats [foods], and corruptiable [foods], and of all things that is cause of rawness [undigested humors], and other Evil humors. 5. Live soberly, drink and eat at ordinary hours, and in good order. 6. Take your rest and use some neat and good exercise or occupation. 7. Maintain and keep your natural or accustomed voiding. 8. Be Merry. |
–This recommendation covers 2 aspects: keeping tidy and clean, and avoiding all foul-smelling air. This is an early form of recognises the importance of sanitation. –This advice pertains to avoiding all forms of excess. –Moderation in Sleep, as well as with Food, drink and women. –Avoid foods which are Damp, as those will cause poor quality Blood and breed diseases of Dampness. –A reminder of moderation, as well as having good regularity of eating. –The important of good rest, exercise and having hobbies or interests. –This refers to regular excretion from the Bladder and Bowels. –The importance of having a positive state of mind, and working towards being content has been more recently realised as essentail for Health, making this last point especially profound. |
The basic guidelines outlined here are 100% compatible with the concepts of maintaining health outlined in other systems such as Ayurveda and TCM. The emphasis on moderation in food, drink, sex, and rest are all very practical observations consistent in Traditional Medicine. Excess food and drink causes excess and obstruction, and paves the way for many diseases. Excess sex quickly depletes the Essence.
The first point which covers both cleanliness and avoiding foul smelling air is practical as modern sanitation has well proven.
Great emphasis is placed on moderation of all things. Excess of anything be it food, drink, sleep, sex or exercise inevitably causes harm which was well noted by ancient physicians. Aiming for moderation and harmony has always been recognised as the fundamental foundation of health.
The fifth point makes mention of "eating at ordinary hours". This affirms the important of regularity in not only eating and drinking, but in lifestyle in general. Erratic eating and sleeping patterns causes disturbance in the body and can eventually lead to numerous diseases, according to Traditional Medicine.
Perhaps the most profound of these suggestions for maintaining health is both the briefest and last of the recommendations given: that is, "Be Merry". The importance of maintaining a happy dispoaition, and doing what is necessary to promote a happy or "merry" disposition, is essential in both mainintaining Health, as well as treating many chronic diseases.
The Mind-Body connection and the impact of thoughts, negative thought patterns and positive affirmations has been demonstrated in various ways. Working towards eliminating those influences which promote negative thinking, and promoting those which enhance positive thinking is truly one of the greatest healings that can be achieved in the modern human. It is most obvious that the patient who has a good and positive attitude to life as well as treatment will inevitably respond better than one who is full of negativity and pessimism.
The first point which covers both cleanliness and avoiding foul smelling air is practical as modern sanitation has well proven.
Great emphasis is placed on moderation of all things. Excess of anything be it food, drink, sleep, sex or exercise inevitably causes harm which was well noted by ancient physicians. Aiming for moderation and harmony has always been recognised as the fundamental foundation of health.
The fifth point makes mention of "eating at ordinary hours". This affirms the important of regularity in not only eating and drinking, but in lifestyle in general. Erratic eating and sleeping patterns causes disturbance in the body and can eventually lead to numerous diseases, according to Traditional Medicine.
Perhaps the most profound of these suggestions for maintaining health is both the briefest and last of the recommendations given: that is, "Be Merry". The importance of maintaining a happy dispoaition, and doing what is necessary to promote a happy or "merry" disposition, is essential in both mainintaining Health, as well as treating many chronic diseases.
The Mind-Body connection and the impact of thoughts, negative thought patterns and positive affirmations has been demonstrated in various ways. Working towards eliminating those influences which promote negative thinking, and promoting those which enhance positive thinking is truly one of the greatest healings that can be achieved in the modern human. It is most obvious that the patient who has a good and positive attitude to life as well as treatment will inevitably respond better than one who is full of negativity and pessimism.