Simple Spirits
The general method of Making Spirits
Several different methods can be used to make a Spirit. Note that when Wine or Fermentation are used, a Distilled Water and Spirit can be made in the one batch. When Spirit is used, a Spirit alone is made.
1. Spirit of Wormwood (Distilled from Wine:
Wormwood leaves 2 lbs.
Aniseed 1⁄2 lb.
Steep in 6 gallons of Wine for 24 hours; then distill in an Alembic. The first 2 lbs. is Spirit, the rest, Water of Wormwood; add to every pound of the distilled water 2 oz. of the best sugar.
After the same manner (without the Aniseeds) may be made the Spirit and Water of herbs such as Angelica, Balm, Mint, Sage; Flowers such as Rosemary, Clary and Carnations; Seeds including Caraway, Fennel, Aniseed; the Berries of Juniper, and the Peels of Oranges, Lemons, and Citrons.
2. Spirit of Aniseed (Fermented & Distilled):
Aniseed 5 lbs.
Bruise well, and add to 18 lbs. of warm Rain Water with 2 lbs. of Sugar or Melussos; mix and ferment for some days until it has a vinious scent; then distill in an Alembic with its Worm, drawing off 12 lbs of liquor; this is to be Rectified in a Glass Matrass in BM, drawing off the first 6 lbs. as the Spirit of Aniseed, and the remainder (after being Distilled to dryness) as Aniseed Water.
3. Spirit of Aniseed (Distilled from Spirit)
Aniseeds bruised 1 1⁄2 lbs.
Spirit of Wine 8 lbs.
Mix and distill in a water bath to dryness.
4. Spirit of Lavender (Prepared with Essential Oil)
Lavender Essential oil 1 part
Spirit (90%) 10 parts
The Dose today is generally 5–20 drops. (0.3–1.2 mls), up to 5 mls. diluted in water, wine, or tea.
1 dram–0.5 oz. was typically given traditionally, or 1 spoonful.
Several different methods can be used to make a Spirit. Note that when Wine or Fermentation are used, a Distilled Water and Spirit can be made in the one batch. When Spirit is used, a Spirit alone is made.
1. Spirit of Wormwood (Distilled from Wine:
Wormwood leaves 2 lbs.
Aniseed 1⁄2 lb.
Steep in 6 gallons of Wine for 24 hours; then distill in an Alembic. The first 2 lbs. is Spirit, the rest, Water of Wormwood; add to every pound of the distilled water 2 oz. of the best sugar.
After the same manner (without the Aniseeds) may be made the Spirit and Water of herbs such as Angelica, Balm, Mint, Sage; Flowers such as Rosemary, Clary and Carnations; Seeds including Caraway, Fennel, Aniseed; the Berries of Juniper, and the Peels of Oranges, Lemons, and Citrons.
2. Spirit of Aniseed (Fermented & Distilled):
Aniseed 5 lbs.
Bruise well, and add to 18 lbs. of warm Rain Water with 2 lbs. of Sugar or Melussos; mix and ferment for some days until it has a vinious scent; then distill in an Alembic with its Worm, drawing off 12 lbs of liquor; this is to be Rectified in a Glass Matrass in BM, drawing off the first 6 lbs. as the Spirit of Aniseed, and the remainder (after being Distilled to dryness) as Aniseed Water.
3. Spirit of Aniseed (Distilled from Spirit)
Aniseeds bruised 1 1⁄2 lbs.
Spirit of Wine 8 lbs.
Mix and distill in a water bath to dryness.
4. Spirit of Lavender (Prepared with Essential Oil)
Lavender Essential oil 1 part
Spirit (90%) 10 parts
The Dose today is generally 5–20 drops. (0.3–1.2 mls), up to 5 mls. diluted in water, wine, or tea.
1 dram–0.5 oz. was typically given traditionally, or 1 spoonful.
Spiritus Absinthii
Spirit of Wormwood "It has the same virtues Wormwood hath, only fitter to be used by such whose bodies are chilled by age, and whose natural heat abates". (Salmon) Used to Warm and strengthen the Stomach, help digestion, and prevent vomiting; it "takes away illness, rawness, loathing and vomiting, and making a good digestion". Also to stop pain of the teeth. ‘Water of Wormwood for the Stomach, Liver and Spleen, for Worms in the Body, for the Jaundice, drunkenness, and for the sight’. (A Boke of the Properties of Herbs called an Herball, John Waley (?), London, 1560) Dose: 0.5 oz. of the Spirit; 1 oz. of the Water. Spiritus Anisi Spirit of Aniseed The Spirit is Stomachic, Cardiac, and an excellent thing against Wind, Indigestion, Griping of the Guts, Colic, and other distempers of the Bowels proceeding from Cold. It also gives relief in Asthma, Coughs, Phthisics and Shortness of Breath. It was also used to increase the Milk in nursing Mothers, as well as to facilitate Birth, and ease the Afterpains; it is also good for griping in infants. Also, it is good to be dropped into the ears for pains and noises of them. Some claimed the Spirit of Annis to be the best remedy for Bronchitis and Spasmodic Asthma, 1 dram being taken in water. Spiritus Croci Spirit of Saffron " ... of singular use in the following distempers, viz. Consumption, it so helps, that by the blessing of God it easily restores the patient to perfect Health... Asthma, that is, Difficulty of Breathing... Melancholy, and sad Constitutions it greatly comforts; for it amends the faults of the Liver and Gall: it dissipates the Hypocondriack flatulency, it strengthens and comforts the Heart, and wonderfully causes Mirth... Swooning, herein it is highly worthy of praise; for it happily restores the Spirits that are lost by their vanishing away through the pores of the body... Apoplexy, herein it has a great Power, for it helps the Brain, and strengthens the same, asswages the Phlegmatic and gross humours, swelling with Wind... Yellow Jaundice, the Spirit of Saffron, with equal quantity of Juice of Lemons, or Water of Sorrel, and sweetened with a little Sugar, is an especial remedy... Plague, Measles, and Small-Pox. Both to prevent them, and expel them, its use is frequently known; for it is of subtle parts, and easily penetrates, and causes Sweat. Agues, In the Cold fit it may be taken with great comfort to the patient. Strangury, Stone, and Gravel, It is of great Worth; for it opens the Obstructions of the Urinary passages, asswages the acrimony of the Humours, forces Urine, Gravel, and small Stones, and takes away the Pain. For Womens Terms, and Women in Child-bed, It is a Noble Cordial, It is likewise a great enemy to Barrenness, and highly provokes Venery. Looseness, Bloody Flux, Gripings of the Guts, It is very profitable against these distempers, for it concocts the raw Phlegm about the belly and small guts, that causes looseness... Empyema or Impostume, newly begun in the side, it helps very much, for it easily disperses the gathered Humours and flatulency or windiness therein. Trembling of the Heart: It is very good for them that are troubled with trembling of the Heart, for it allays the vehement fermentation of Blood; it dissipates the thick and gross vapours enclosed in and about the Heart, and it restores cheerfulness to the same. Pains, Dulness of Hearing, and Noises of Ears, are remedied by this Spirit; for it disperses the gross Humours gathered about the Tympanum of the Ears, and dissipates the flatulency enclosed in the Brain, if some drops thereof be mixed with Woman’s Milk, or Oil of Bitter Almonds... Scurvy. This Spirit is most excellent to prevent this Distemper... Weakness of Stomach, and an inclination to Vomit often, it wonderfully helps, for it concocts, dissipates, and consumes the raw humours, disperses the flatulency, strengthens the Stomach, brings a good Appetite, and causes good Digestion. In a Bastard Pleurisy it is an excellent Remedy, for it opens the Breast, cuts the Phlegm in it, expels the Winds, and frees the Lungs from all Obstructions. Colds, Indisposition of Body. Take a spoonful or two in a morning... " "Note, A Man or Woman of Age, labouring under the said distempers, may take one or two spoonfuls of the Spirit at a time, by itself, if they be not in Burning or Hectic Fevers; but if so, let them mix it with some cooling drink, or Syrups proper for those distempers, and take little quantities of it four times a day, to wit, early in the Morning, between meals, and late at Night when they go to bed". "The virtues and Uses of this Spirit of Saffron are taken out of a letter or Manuscript of a most Learned and long experienced German Physician, G. Agricola... Translated and Published by John Collins, Reg. Soc. Philomath". (From a Promotional Leaflet, London, 1680) Spiritus Limoni Spirit of Lemon peel "The Spirit is a most excellent Cephalic and Neurotic, curing most diseases of the Head and Brain, as Apoplexies, Epilepsies, Megrims, Vertigo’s, Lethargies, Palsies, Tremblings &c. being taken from 1⁄2–2 drams, even to 1⁄2 oz. in a glass of wine, or mixt with some other cordial water. Outwardly it may be used against Pains and Aches from a cold cause, cold Gouts and Headaches, Bruises, and such like. It comforts weak and feeble joints and limbs, adding strength and agility to them, and this by being used both outwardly and inwardly. It is a specific in diseases of the Womb, and is reported by some Midwives to cure barrenness". (Pharmacopoeia Bateana) Dose: up to 1⁄2 oz. in the morning, on an empty stomach. Spiritus Convallaria Spirit of Lily of the Valley "Take the Flowers and steep them in New Wine for the space of a month; which being finished, take them out again and distil the wine 3 times over in a Limbeck. The wine is more precious than gold, for if any one that is troubled with Apoplexy drink thereof with six grains of Pepper and a little Lavender Water they shall not need fear it that month". (Coles, 1657) It strengthens the Brain and Senses. Restores Speech, helps Palsy, good for Apoplexy, and comforts the Heart and Spirits. Also for head and nerve disorders such as Epilepsy, Vertigo and Convulsions. Traditionally used to strengthen the Memory, and can be applied to Gout, Sprains, and Rheumatism. Spiritus Foeniculi Dulcis Spirit of Sweet Fennel seed Made as Spirit of Aniseed. "It breeds Milk in Nurses, is good against the Colic, gripings at Stomach, and Oppression of Wind in the Bowels; It is also a singular good Pectoral and Stomachic, opening Obstructions of the Lungs, causing Free Breathing, and to take away Coughs, Colds, Wheezing, Hoarseness &c.". |
Syrupus Hysspous
Syrup of Hyssop Take fresh Hyssop in Flower, bruise well, and put into an Oak Vessel adding sufficient Fountain Water to cover, and a little Ale-yeast; leave to ferment for 10 or 12 days, then add more water and Distill by an Alembic; afterwards rectify often in BM according to Art. (When distilled in an Alembic it must not be distilled to dryness; two-thirds may be distilled off, or it may be distilled in BM) "It is an admirable Pectoral"; used for coughs, colds, various obstructions of the Breast and Lungs, Wheezing, Hoarseness, Shortness of Breath, and difficulty breathing. Salmon suggested prescribing it as follows: of this Spirit 1 oz., of Pectoral Milk Water (listed under Cows) 2 oz., Spirit of Sal Ammoniac 20 drops, Syrup of Red Poppies, enough to sweeten it; mix and take as a dose. Spiritus Juniperus Spirit of Juniper Prepared as Spirit of Wormwood, with the Aniseed. "They are very proper to free the Reins [Kidneys] and Ureters from Gravel and viscous matters which stop the Passages, and hinder the Urine from having its course. They are also very useful in all cold maladies of the Brain". (French Pharmacopoeia) Also used to kill Worms. Spiritus Lavendula Spirit of Lavender It is hot and dry, and a good Cephalic, being good against various diseases of the Head and Nerves including Epilepsy, Apoplexy, Palsy, Cramps, Catarrhs, Migraine, Vertigo, Lethargy, and Trembling. Also used to promote Urine, and the Menses, as well as promoting Labour, and expelling the afterbirth. Externally for all pains of the head, joints or nerves coming from Cold. Spiritus Melissa Spirit of Balm It Quickens the senses, restores the memory, strengthens the Brain, Heart, and Stomach. Causes a merry mind and a sweet breath. Spiritus Mentha Piperitae Spirit of Peppermint "This Spirit is chiefly Stomatic, Cephalic, and Uterine, of thin parts, and subastringent. It is used mostly against vomiting, and debility of the Stomach, Crudities, hicket, nauseating Wind, faintings, Obstructions of the Liver, Pains of the Guts, and the belly ache in children, Migraine, Vertigo, Lethargy, Coagulation of Milk, Colic &c. It opens, attenuates, discusses, cures diseases of the Womb, provokes the Terms, strengthens the Liver, and resists Poison, and particularly the Narcotic quality of Opium; outwardly by bathing on the region of the abdomen it eases the Colic, and takes away the hardness of women’s breasts from curdling of Milk, by bathing the part, and taking it also inwardly". (Pharmacopoeia Bateana, Salmon) Spiritus Nux Moschata Spirit of Nutmeg "It is Cephalic, Stomatic, Cardiac, Neurotic and Uterine; it warms and cherishes a cold and afflicted Brain and habit of the Body; comforts the Nerves, strengthens the Stomach, and causes a sweet breath. It discusses wind, eases the Colic, and gripings of the Guts, sharpens the Eyesight, comforts the Liver and Spleen, provokes Urine, is good against the Whites, and a cold distemper of the Womb, it cheers the Heart, revives the Spirits, is good against the Palsy, Cramp, Tremblings and other weaknesses of the Nerves, and prevails against the Apoplexy, Vertigo, Megrim [Migraine], Headache from a cold cause, Lethargy and other distempers of the Head". (Salmon) Spiritus Rosemarinus Spirit of Rosemary It warms the body, cleanses the blood; both Water and Spirit strengthen the Brain and Body exceedingly. The Spirit of the Flowers was used for all cold diseases of the Brain, as well as cold diseases of the nerves and joints including Rheumatism and cold Gout. Used for Headaches caused by cold, as well as Vertigo, Deafness, Tinnitus, poor Sight, and weak Memory. Also given to prevent coagulated blood following trauma. It strengthens the Stomach and Bowels, creates an appetite, assists digestion, and eases Toothache. It opens obstructions of the Liver, Spleen and Uterus. Also good for Yellow Jaundice and Asthma. "It claims a power to preserve and revive the Natural Heat, and to restore the functions of all parts of the body, and to make old Men young, that is to say, to ease them of a great many of those diseases that attend upon old age". (Salmon, Charras) Mixed with Water of White Lilies and applied as a cosmetic, to improve beauty and remove wrinkles. Spiritus Rutae Spirit of Rue "It is Hot, dry, piercing, and attenuating, discusses and expels Wind, is Cephalic, Neurotic, Hysteric, and Alexipharmic, used chiefly against the Plague, and all other malignant diseases. It is highly sudorific, expels Poison, cures the Pleurisy, weakness of the Stomach, Colic, Griping of the Guts, Bitings of Mad Dogs, Serpents, and all other venomous Beasts. It is profitable against Agues (being bathed on the Backbone) as also the Megrim, Headache, Vertigo, sickness at the Stomach, palpitations of the Heart, Surfeits and the like. It is apt to provoke the Terms [Menstruation], and therefore not very good for Women with Child". (Salmon) Spiritus Salviae Spirit of Sage Used for cold and moist diseases of the Head, Brain, and Nerves, including Lethargy, Sleepiness, Dullness, Heaviness, Vertigo, Apoplexy, Epilepsy, Palsy, Convulsions, Cramps, Melancholy, and Gout. Good for coldness and moisture of the Womb, and was used for Infertility in women from cold. It is also prevalent against diseases of the Stomach, Breast and Lungs; used for coughs, colds, and dries up Catarrhs. Regarded as strengthening the whole body. |