Some Famous Chinese Patent Medicines
Bo Ying Compound is a famous Chinese Medicine produced in Hong Kong. It is a remarkably effective medicine for Infantile diseases. It clears Wind, Heat and Phlegm, relieves Pain, calms the Nerves. It stops Night Crying, relieves Fever and Convulsions, and Coughing. It contains Bezoar, Pearl, Amber, Tabasheer in addition to a number of Herbal ingredients.
She Dan Chuan Bei Ye is a liquid medicine composed of Snake Bile and Fritillaria. It is a very effective medicine for acute Cough associated with Heat and Phlegm. There are a large number of related formulas produced by various companies in China
Qi Li San is a special medicine for dispersing Blood stagnation. It moves the Blood and Qi, clears Stasis, reduces Swelling and alleviates Pain. It contains Dragons Blood, Safflower, Frankincense, Myrrh, Catechu, Musk, Borneol Camphor and Cinnabar. It is used for all types of Trauma, Strains, Bruising, Fractures, Dislocations etc.
Dieda Wan is a common patent formula with many varieties produced by different manufacturers. It is a potent medicine to move Blood, relieve stasis and clear Bruising, and to relieve pain. It is given following trauma. The basic formula usually consists of Dang Gui, Peony, Safflower, Peach kernel, Turmeric, Frankincense, Myrrh, Dragons Blood, and Licorice. Each pill weighs 3 grams and 1 pill may be taken twice daily. It may be mixed with vinegar for topical application also.
Xi Huang Wan is a potent medicine to clear Heat and Toxin, resolve Phlegm Nodules and Tumors and to promote Blood circulation. It contains Bezoar (artificial), Musk (artificial), Frankincense and Myrrh. It is used for Lymphadenitis, Scrofula, Subcutaneous Nodules, Multiple Abscess, Mastitis and Breast Cancer (Adenocarcinoma)