MedicineTraditions–Important Texts
Syrian Book of Medicines
Syrian Anatomy, Pathology and Therapeutics
Syrian Anatomy, Pathology and Therapeutics
Front page of Volume 1 of Syrian "Book of Medicines",
translated from a manuscript by E. A. Wallis Budge, 1913
translated from a manuscript by E. A. Wallis Budge, 1913
Translation of an original Syriac manuscripft
Translated by Wallis Budge, printed 1913 by Oxford University Press
Author & Tradition:
Author is uncertain
Being of Syrian origin, can be classed as Unani Medicine
Year Published
Uncertain; probably 12th century
This was translated from a manuscript without date.
Brief Overview
This wonderful book of medical theory and formulas is based largely on the Greek tradition. It was copied from a Syriac manuscript near Mosul, Iraq, at the personal expense of Wallis Budge. It was written in Nestorian (Eastern Syriac script).
It includes formulas from various earlier sources such as Galen, Dioscorides, Philon, Theodoretus as well as some of Egyptian, Persian and Indian origin, according to the preface by Wallis Budge.