MedicineTraditions–Important Texts
Dispensatorium of Valerius Cordus
Many editions of the Dispensatory of Valerius Cordus
were printed, this edition being from 1559.
were printed, this edition being from 1559.
Author & Tradition:
Valerius Cordus
Western (European)
Year Published
First edition was 1542
Brief Overview
Valerius Cordus was a German physician, botanist and pharmacologist who wrote the first Pharmacopeia of Northern Europe.
He collected a number of formulas from the most respected authors and texts which he showed to other physicians in his home town of Nuremberg. He was apparently persuaded by them to print it for the benefit of the physicians and apothecaries.
It became highly regarded and was reprinted many times, being one of the most revered early European Pharmacopoeias.