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Aconitum tauricum
F.G. Hayne, Getreue Darstellung und Beschreibung der in
der Arzneykunde gebräuchlichen Gewächse, vol. 12 (1833)
F.G. Hayne, Getreue Darstellung und Beschreibung der in
der Arzneykunde gebräuchlichen Gewächse, vol. 12 (1833)
Aconitum fischeri
Curtis’s Botanical Magazine, vol. 116 (1890)
Curtis’s Botanical Magazine, vol. 116 (1890)
Botanical name:
Several Aconitum spp. are used as a source:
1. Aconitum tauricum (syn. A. autumnale)
2. A. kongboense
3.. A. fischeri (some sources equate with Bong nga dkar po)
Parts used:
Temperature & Taste:
Cool, dry. Pungent, Bitter. Poison (Tibetan)
Hot in TCM
Several Aconitum spp. are used as a source:
1. Aconitum tauricum (syn. A. autumnale)
2. A. kongboense
3.. A. fischeri (some sources equate with Bong nga dkar po)
Parts used:
Temperature & Taste:
Cool, dry. Pungent, Bitter. Poison (Tibetan)
Hot in TCM
1. Clears Heat, Resists Poison:
-meat poisoning
-poisoning of 'Black' Aconite (A. ferox etc.)
-Fever; Fever from excess Bile or Poison
2. Clears Wind and Damp, Relieves Pain:
-wind-damp joint pain
1.5–6 grams
1.5–6 grams
Toxic. Avoid overdose.
Main Preparations used:
Toxic. Avoid overdose.
Main Preparations used: